Friday, May 21, 2010

evelyn glennie

What struck you?

The thing that struck me was that she played several instruments, and she was deaf, another thing was you could tell she understood the music. Something else that struck we was that she could talk because alot of those people cant.

What did you notice?

I noticed that she loved what she was doing and that she could hear with her touch. I also noticed that she had on braclets, and she didnt have on any shoes.

What did you enjioy about her performance? Please be specfic

I enjoyed when she explained how she played and touched the different instrunemts to understand the sound. I also like when she speed up playing on the xylophone and slowed down.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

sustainability visit

What is your name and our role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden?
My name is Michelle and my role here at the farmers market is to run my stand.

Why do you choose to shop/garden/support this CSA?
I choose to support this organization because its good for the earth im also a vegetarian so i like to be around all of these things, and i also do this to support the csa.

Did you ever choose to make a garden ? Why or Why not?
I actually tried that once but it didn't work out that well.

When did you begin to shop at farmers markets?
Well my sister introduced this to me about 3 years ago and every since then i shopped there.

What would be your advice to get others to do your job?
I would explain to them how much good were doing for the earth and, how shopping here is very healthy.

Blog Questions:
What struck you about the location you visited ? Was it what you expected or different?
The thing that struck me about the visit was how fresh the foods were and how the people looked so trust worthy of there food. Wat also struck me were the prices of the food, also that they had buckets of other things like bracelets.

Which items were cheaper than you expected? which items were more expensive?
The items that were cheaper than i expected were the fruit like apples, oranges ect.The items that were more expensive were the vegetables and some were sold by dozens.

>Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often? Or using a community garden? Or supporting a CSA?Well i might start going to the farmers market more if my mom wants to because after all she buys the grocries.But when i get older i will shop there, about the csa's i will also ask my mom about supporting them.

How do these locations fit into our essential questions of "Why Don't People Live More Sustainably?" and "How Can I Convince them to do So?" These locations fit into this category because, everyone cant afford these foods and by the time they finish buying these items the will have little money for there staple foods.Well in a way you cant convince people to buy stuff they going to by what they need and what is reasonable for them the only thing i could do would be to encourage them.

Dialetic Journal

Quote: It isnt fair she said. A stone hit her on the side of her head. Old man warner was saying " Come on come on everyone. " Steve Adams was in front of the crowd of villagers with mrs. Graves beside him.

Response: this story really helped me connect with the author because i always right crazy stories and this was a pretty crazy story. No one ever one any thing and what they did win wasn't a prize.A question i have for the author is why would he make everyone enter for such a horable thing.I also enjoyed the way she didn't want to except her prize.

quote: Mr.Summers consulted his list. " clyde Dunbar."He said."Thats right. He broke his leg,hasnt he .

Response: This is weird the he still has to enter a raffle when his leg is broke i dont think thats fair at all. I also think it isnt fair that kids have to enter also,and the have the kids heating rocks. I think the author wrote this story in a very good manner because every one was interested in wat was gonna happen in the end.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The garden blog

The garden was a great experience for me and my class. I think the 12Th graders did a wonderful job making this garden. some of the questions i asked were
What made you grow this plant- they responded different ideas different people.
What happens to the plants over the summer- the teacher said he wasn't sure and that there trying to find people.
How long did it take to grow all of these crops- they started in October

Questions For Me : What struck you about it - the thing that struck me was how many plants and vegetables they had.

What does the garden look like - the garden is a really pretty place and it looks like a garden and it has like a little pond.

What did you like or not like about the garden - what i liked about the garden was that everything that was growing looked nice and healthy.

Plants that were there -

Monday, April 26, 2010

Talking these ideas out

The family member i talked to was my mother. I started of by telling her how harmful are food can be that we buy in the stores, and i also told her how the cow owners would do any thing they could to make the cows stand up so they could slotter them. They will roll them over with machines and lots of other horrible things.My moms reaction to this was she did'nt know any thing about this and she thought twice about eating meat. The thing that struck me the most was when your food says all natural it can just be one ingredient that's all natural. i agree and disagree with these concepts. I agree because i at meat. I disagree because i don't want animals being treated wrong. I can apply these things to the real world by letting people who don't know aware of whats going on.

Friday, April 23, 2010

my ishmael

Like most five year old she was thrilled for her imagining that some truly wonderful experience must be awaiting her . It was only several months later that i began to notice her excitement was fading.

Response: I agree 100% with the author because im going through school and i feel the same way. The way Ishmael thinks about life makes me think that the system should be changed into a way that kids always want to attend school.This interest me because i can relate to it. A question i have for the author is do you have a deep understanding of and on the world.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Nail Incident Ceara Harris
“I’m clipping my nails as I do every night before dinner when my sister comes in the door with the baby, I’m on the last nail when I finish I will get up. “Hey sis, hi baby hello hello.”
“Well she doesn’t like me.”
“Yes she does she’s just tired” ok then”
When I came out from under the house from eating I was stopped by my sister.”
“Will you watch the baby because me and mom want to go out tonight?”
“Well I guess, but don’t think I will have fun watching the little flibbertigibbet thing.”
“Yeah you better hope she cooperates for your sake.”
“Ok your done lets go take a bath now.”
“No more play”
“No let’s take your clothes off and get in the bath”
“I will let you play with some toys in the bath”
“Well I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t clip her nails because it can turn ugly.”
“Well sit down I’m going to go get the clippers.”
“Let’s wash up so I can clip your nails”
“Yes they’ are dirty”
“Why are you screaming I haven’t even touched you?”
“Clip stops moving before you get it. I
I grab her throat as if i’m holding on to the back of a car going 100 mph on the free way I thought I could cajole her into getting her nails clipped but it didn’t work that way no. I held her head under water until the lifeless carcass stopped shaking. Then I clipped away.”
Her sister walked in the bathroom “Oh I forgot my …… oh my gosh! “What happened here?
“I just sat there and stared”
“She wouldn’t cooperate so I had to kill her and use my nail clippers as a panacea for her nails.”
“I told mom this was a bad idea to ask you to watch my baby.”
“Then why did you ask me to watch her then.”
“I’m calling the police I cant believe you would do something like this I thought I could trust you and you betrayed me. “
“You’re not calling anyone ok I’m sorry you just cant do that.”
“Please stop I don’t want to have to kill you to.”
“Mom my sister yelled.”
“I guess ill have to do you like the baby huh?”
“You killed my child and now you want to kill me how low down can you get.”
“Don’t try to make me have any kind of pity on you I will just solve the problem by killing you to.”
“Bang bang bang I shot her then my self.”
Link to zine:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


1. A brief summary of the topic. What is it? What field of research does it fall under?

This article is talking about medicine they are saying that this year will be the year that companies will lose the patent rights to there most top selling medicines.There also saying if the drugs want to start selling then the need to focus on obesity, cancer, and immunological and neurological diseases.

2. What's the big deal with this topic? Why should you care about its developments and any new discoveries that are made?

The big deal with this topic is that companies will start losing lots of money and pills will be sold cheaper.

3. What's going to happen to this topic in 2010?
This year starts the mark of companies loosing there money and a decrease on pills.

4. What obstacles or setbacks are in the way of this topic's success?

The set backs are companies will loose there money and people will face problems with out certain pills that they need.


1. A brief summary of the topic. What is it? What field of research does it fall under?

This article was basically talking about cars from general moter's, and the cost of the cars and also how they will be built and how technology is coming along.

2. What's the big deal with this topic? Why should you care about its developments and any new discoveries that are made?

The big deal with this topic is that gm is making more economy and gas efficient cars that run on batteries.

3. What's going to happen to this topic in 2010?
This year the world we be able to purchase these cars and help the gas prices and economy system.

4. What obstacles or setbacks are in the way of this topic's success?

The obstacles are that gm survived the biggest bankruptcy in American history and they still will be making cars this winter, another thing in the way is that other car companies can try and sue for saying they are coping there car.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

semester academic goals

Goal: Raise my hand to read out loud so i can become a better reader
First step :Don't be afraid to raise my hand

Goal:Let other people share
First step :learn ho to step up and step back

Goal:Come to class on time in order not to loose professionalism points
First step :come back from lunch 10 minutes earlier.

My semester academic goals

Goal: Study for test not just the night before
First step: Take brain book home every day and work out the problems we did for that day in class

Goal: don’t talk in class while the teacher is teaching a lesson
First step: Don’t interrupt other people and ignore when someone tries to talk to me.

Goal: Ask more questions in class when I need to.
First step: come to office hours when I don’t understand the lesson