Monday, November 9, 2009


It’s Just a Way of Life

“A person who in the opinion of others, has her heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

When people think hero the automatically think Batman, Superman, Robin, a police man, you get the point right? Just someone fictional. But not me, my hero is Marti Harris (my mom). She is African American and, she is about 5’2.

The first thing I want to say about my mom is she is a very nice person, and I love her. I think everything my mom went through made her the strong person she is today. We were sitting in my mom’s warm room on the edge of the bed I could smell incents burning and candle wax when I started to ask her some questions about our life and how she felt about it. “Is it hard being a single mother, having to raise your children by your self?” She looked at me with a sad, long face just searching for the right answer. “Of course it is always easier when you have two incomes and its hard when you can’t get your kids what they want and sometimes what they need, also I think there should always be two parents in the home so that your child can have equal share of each parent.”

I can understand where she is coming from because I have experienced not being able to go certain places because I didn’t have enough money, or feeling left out because I don’t have two parents to raise me. “What is your motivation to keep going?” “Love was my motivating factor and the fact that you are my kids. I feel it is my job to meet all your needs.” “What was your overall drive? “My children and wanting them to have a better life than I did, I also want them to grow up and be strong, smart people.”

Hero project reflection

how does a hero become a hero?

A hero becomes a hero by doing something you cant do or by . Doing something they don't have to do and they do it any way also putting that person before there self at all time even when they cant or shouldn't.

What was the Hero in My Eyes project?

In this project you had to pick someone who you looked at as a hero . You had to write a paper why they were a hero and what they did to become your hero (heroic moment). You also had to bring in a picture of your hero.

What steps did you take to get to the final product?

The steps i took to get to the final product were writing lots of different papers. The peer editing helped me allot. I also had to get help from the teacher and some class mates i needed them to read my paper and show me where i could improve more.

What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?

I learned that my mother was my real hero all along and that hers are not just fictional. I went through alot of challenges because the first time i wrote my whole paper wrong and i had to do it all over. The thing that i would do the same is pick my mom as my hero.This will help me later because now i will always know my mom is my hero.

Pick one of the six HOMs (Habits of Mind) and describe how you used it in this project. The six HOMs are: Innovation, Wonder, Ownership, Mindfulness, Perspective, and Evidence.

The thing i think i used in my paper is evdience because i showed lots of evidence on how and why my mom is a hero .

Link to the blog post where you posted your final hero character sketch. Make sure it is a working link.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Orgin of zero

I thought this was very striking because people all around the world have different ways to write zero.

Who ever buys it the archaeologists who study that kind of stuff determined which concept was older which I think is very interesting beacuse there are many differnt signs and symbols they found.

Because there are people who migrate to different places and from that they take on the concept of zero to where ever they go and where they are they adapt in the concept of zero and create their own zero.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Art Eletric

Project description

The project was to use a box to show a character trait. You had to use at least five lights,you also needed an extra flair for example makes your box move, and a working button or switch to trigger all your lights and or motor.


For my box i picked the word joy ! I used this word because it let me have freedom to work with my box. The way i represented this word was to add things that people liked and be happy and free with the box. My lights were set up in series circuit two row wired all inside of my box.I also have a button on my box and it turns on all my lights .

I made a battery holder out of Popsicle sticks, and i hot glued the ends of the wires to the battery so that the button would be able to activate all the lights. Then i connected some wires to the battery so that it would light my box up.


When I got my drafts peer edited it helped me understand what i was doing wrong

Some times it messed up my thought of thinking

I learned a lot of new things while doing this project. I learned how to set up parallel, and series circuits, strip wire, and a lot more.

I would pick a different trait to portray, because somethings didn't work out how i planned they would go.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Literary device blog

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. " Is this really happening am i going to the coolest guy in school to ask about the dance on Friday? " Here it goes , hey Seth i was wondering if you would like to go to the dace with me ?" "I'm not sure ill see whats going on with my schedule and i will get back to you on that." I hope he will say yes well maybe not because i have scratches all over my body so he thinks i am an ugly person. Well every since mom died things haven't been the same. Dad has been beating me , but don't get me wrong it hurts but that's the only way he can get his anger out. Its just like a bee getting nectar from a flower he just has to have it.He yells ,he screams he curses ,he does it all i just sit and take it because he says it because of my mother yea its crazy i know. Peter piper pickles .I just don't know what to do about this. "Well here it goes again " do you have an answer for me ??? " oh yea of course i would love to go with you."yeah" I am so happy see you on Friday .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

one moment in time

Ceara Harris
One moment in time

As I am sitting on this big red cart I stop and think is this really what I want or is this just an easy way out. Feeling like a piece of chocolate surrounded by sand I feel quite uncomfortable. All these new faces looking around at me like a fish out of water. I sit by a huge old man that smells like sour but and toes, I didn’t move because there was no were else to sit.
Screaming babies, tiered moaning people, nasty scents, and the whole situation just makes me want to roll over and die. Wow does any one else feel this horable? Buzz buzz buzz goes my phone feels like a bee stinging me. No no its mom again, one missed call.
Rain drops start to hit my checks but wind shields just wipe them away. I feel gum on the bottom of the little red seats I jus take my hands away. I can hear the director saying 25 and commercial next stop. Every time I hear her talk it just gets louder and louder.
People getting on and off on and off left right open close open close. It just made me go even crazier. By the time we closer to the place i'm trying to go every body has mostly gotten off. The only people that were left were people going back across the line to get home from a long day of work. So I hear my stop san ysidro next stop.

I stop and think to my self again am I really doing this what are people going to think of me after this . Will I be loved or out casted who know. Now’s my time to get off I’m shaking crying and scared,
I find a near by bench and just take a seat. Buzz buzz, buzz my phone goes again. Dozens of missed calls from my mom, uncle, brother, and sister, I decide to answer my moms call for the first time. Hello’’ ceara were are you please let me come and get you I want you to come home.
No thanks I don’t want to get in trouble id rather just stay away and avoid the trouble. Let’s just rationalize please act your age.

Monday, October 5, 2009


The nice sounds of cooing , warms my heart like a cake in the oven. Various memories of caring for kids warms my heart. This sounds like little sounds crying out for attention, love care maybe a diaper change, or just simply a hug.

These sounds make me think of a puppy trying to get its moms attention so it can simply drink milk.I also think of times when i just want something from my mom and i make cute noises.

Then i make her give in to my ridiculous demands.Gurgles, giggles, drool, you have to love it all
. Why because it coming from a beautiful little baby which really is a beautiful music box.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Locker problem

Locker problem
Ceara harris

How many lockers are open? Me and my classmates figured out that there are 31 lockers open. This was very hard to figure out because there are so many ways to get answers to this problem. But once you get at least one equation it is very easy to follow the pattern. This also had to do with figuring out the perfect squares or you wouldn’t be able to figure out the lockers that were open. Which lockers are open? This was the really hard part to figure out in the problem. We all worked together and figured it out. I used square roots to figure out which lockers were open. Which lockers are perfect squares? We came to a conclusion that the perfect squares are (1*1), (2*2),(3*3). So you use perfect squares to figure it out. They have an odd amount of factors they will change there state to opposite (o, c, c ) These lockers were open because the students came through and opened and closed them, so some lockers were never touched again.

line across= closed

no line =open

Monday, September 28, 2009

Secret Life Of Bees

Hi this is me Rosaleen i am Lily's nanny/stepmother . This week has been very interesting and i have just ran away from the kings nest with his chick . Oz been beaten locked up, liesed to and Oz starvin to. Lily iz alls i got and she isn't treated very well by that boy of a father. I just feel like rolling over and dying sometimes, but i cant just do that. It all started when Oz going out to vote and buy lily some new girl stuff.

I had stolen some fans from the cheech and, i ran into some white men and they tried to get in my buisness so i spitted on his shoe after his harsh words to me. They've locked me in this hospitah jail and, lily has come to rescue me. Lily has came up with this half way layed out plan to leave to Tiburon. This here night me and lily get into a lil argument and we sleplt on the opposites side oda river. I leaved and lily came looking fo meh. weheaded out to town to buy some grub and found a little restaurant on the side of the road. We got our food to go, i don't know why lily was so fascinated buy the black Mary on da honey jah .

She asked were he had purchased the honey and he said from august she stay right down the road and she makes honey and, he said she was a real nice cat. We went to the house, and lily started to tell a few white lies on how ised been beaten , and they were a little suspicus but they let us stay. until next time- rosaleen.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

today i am going to show you what we did for in .

Question:write two of your own order of operation problems and solve them. They must include four integers.

problem: (9+12) /3=

(9*9)4 to the seond power-7=

For this problem you have to fill in the ( ) problem: 10+4/2*8=

Friday, September 4, 2009

what is mysics?

math: personally i think math is a subject that is sometimes fun and sometimes challenging . Math is one of those subjects that you have to rally think and use your brain. Math is a subject that uses alot of numbers, symbols, and thinking.It is something that you will always need and use in life.

Physics: I think that physics is a type of science it is really the study of matter and energy. this will be a fun subject because i love science. I think that physics has to do with currents ,electricity, lights ext. Also i think that this Will have to do with how much space a certain object will take up.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

30 things you didnt know about me

  1. i love to make people laugh
  2. i am outgoing
  3. i love to write
  4. i don't like my food to touch on a plate
  5. i have a phobia of rust
  6. i say hi to random people
  7. i love reggae
  8. i love dreads
  9. i love to listen to music
  10. i love kids
  11. my favorite color is red
  12. i love money
  13. the beach is one of my favorite places to go
  14. my ride or die is brea b.
  15. some people call me Cece b. ma kin
  16. i don't eat condiments
  17. i love when my nails are painted different colors
  18. i want a become a doctor
  19. i find every thing pretty braking in life
  20. i want to learn how to skate board
  21. i would love to go to Jamaica
  22. i love to put smiles on peoples faces
  23. i think Diego's voice is really cool
  24. i was born in San Diego
  25. I've always wanted to snow board
  26. i wish i could fly
  27. i would like to talk to animals and have them understand me
  28. i am 5'4
  29. i hate shots at the doctor
  30. last but not least i love everybody in the world know them or not